Table 1: How to Read Your Treads
Clue Culprit Remedy
Both edges worn Under inflation Add more air; check for leaks
Center treads worn Over inflation Let air out to manufacturer's specifications
One-sided wear Poor alignment Have wheels aligned
Treads worn unevenly, with Wheel imbalance and/or Have wheels balanced and aligned
bald spots, cups, or scallops poor alignment
Erratically spaced bald spots Imbalance or worn shocks Wheel balance or replace shocks
Edges of front tires only worn Taking curves too fast Slow down!
Saw-toothed wear pattern Poor alignment Have wheels aligned
Whining, thumping, Poor alignment, Have wheels aligned or
and other weird noises worn tires or shocks buy new tires or shocks
Squealing on curves Poor alignment or under inflation Check wear on treads and act accordingly