Workhorse Update Report
Select Service Centers in conjunction with the
Workhorse Caliper Campaign
will be offering a brake special to include renewal of the following components..

All New Rotors
New Brake Pads
New Brake Fluid
New Hub Oils
New ABS Rings
New Wheel Seals
New Gaskets

This is over an additional $1800.00
in parts plus the  $700.00 additional required labor for...

SAVE $900.00

This offer valid at time of campaign repairs only and at select Workhorse Service Centers ONLY !!!
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Q:   Why should I consider renewing brake parts not affected by the recall.
A:  This is your best opprotunity to have normal maintenance items renewed at the least possible cost.
Q:  Is there a danger if I do not have the parts renewed.
A:  No upon completion of the recall, each coach will be tested and driven to insure safety.
Q:  When the campaign is complete will I still need my supplemental brake system
A:  YES!  For the safety of you and those you share the road with ALWAYS follow rules and regulations regarding towing.
(50901-C) is finally about to happen. This covers all Workhorse W20, W21, W22, Chassis built between July 24, 2000 and December 19, 2007

-Problem: WH; 'non-metallic ' [that is plastic] caliper pistons absorb a little water when sitting, pistons expands enough that they don't retract properly - brake pads remain in contact with rotors and over heat - sometimes seriously.

- For way over a year now Workhorse and Bosch [mfg of brake system] under US DOT oversight, have been determining the problem and designing a fix.  WH strictly controlled 'interim repairs'.  I agree: problem is calipers and this is a good, safe 'fix'.

-Good News; The actual RECALL has been agreed by all 3 parties; Bosch began manufacturing new calipers with larger bore and metallic pistons on July 1, 2010.  S&S has signed up for the recall and ordered the parts.  My best guess is that it will happen in 30 to 60 days.

- Remember WH will only cover calipers or directly damaged related parts,Some of your motor homes a 3 or more years old and/or have 30,000 or more miles and some basic brake maintenance is in order. - - S&S is offering several brake packages:

BASIC- - [1] new brake pads - front &rear, flush brake system, and refill.  S&S highly recommends this because fluid needs to be changed and there is no labor charge for brake pad change because it would be included with WH payment for R&R of calipers: $300.00

BETTER- - [2] new brake Pads, change brake fluid and NEW front wheel seals & wheel bearing lubricant; check and adjust park brake; top off rear differential lube: $ 569.00

GRAND SLAM- - [3] WORK HORSE SPONSORED EVERYTHING NEW BRAKE SPECIAL with new brake pads, change brake fluid, service front wheel bearings, new rear wheel seals, change rear diff fluid, 4 new brake rotors[many units have serious heat cracks in rotors], slide pins if needed, check/adjust park brake. $1,499.00
- This would be a great time to catch up on repairs, upgrades, and solving problems you might be having - we will check your roof for free - just ask!
-As soon as the 'Recall' is announced and parts are released S&S will contact each of our customers by e-mail.  We will work hard to get each one done quickly, properly and efficiently.

                        S&S HANDLING IMPROVEMENTS:
ALL motor homes having handling - driveability issues.  S&S offers solutions.

Your motor home can drive more comfortably and safely than the newest chassis.

-Wandering;  Requires constant attention to keep it going straight down the road.
-Sway: Top of coach sways left to right.  The original equipment WH sway bars are a joke!
- Bounce and Porposing: Original shocks on 01 thru 04 are very inadequate.  We use Bilstein - same as WH used on 05 and up.  Koni is also available.
-Safety: Safe- T -Plus or Reflex steering stabilizers puts the driver in control!
-Handling: S&S can work with you to identify specific traits of your motor home and greatly enhance the driving comfort and safety of your motor home:
Special Prices will be announced soon for work done in conjunction with WH Brake Recall!

-Bilstein Shocks:  We are developing a special 4 shock package price.
-Basic Roadmaster Handling Package: Reduce Wandering - front track bar. 
-Reduce Sway-Heavy Duty rear sway bar.  This is best combined with Bilstein shocks.
-Safe-T- Plus Steering Stabilizer: Enhances control and safety.
-Supreme Handling- Safety Package: all of the above.


The 8.1 Work Horse [GM] engines respond favorably to more air flow, a free flowing exhaust, upgraded ignition wiring, and a tweaking of computer settings.
-Our basic Power- Economy Package includes a Banks Ram-Air Hi-Flow air intake system, Taylor super ignition wires, and Ottomind Computer programmer or Ultrapower.

-We add exhaust enhancements with an upgrade to Banks Power-Pack or Stinger system.

Special prices will be announced soon for work done in conjunction with WH Brake Recall!
S&S is looking forward to working with you to enhance the safety, and comfort of your motor home experience.

Workhorse Custom Chassis (Workhorse) is pleased to announce that the redesigned service brake caliper assemblies, which represent the final remedy for recall 50901-C, are now available at your authorized Workhorse service center or dealership. In addition, Workhorse has assigned a new safety recall number, 51101-C, for the final remedy procedure. On September 17, 2010, Workhorse expects to begin mailing letters to the owners of record for the motor homes affected by this safety recall. Please follow the instructions contained in the letter.
Apalachee RV Center is your "While You Wait" location for affecting this recall. Your parts are in stock and waiting and most recalls only last a few hours. Call and schedule your appointment today!