Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri 7:30 AM till 5:30 PM
Saturdays 8 till noon
Your 110 House Current
Knowing your 110 Volt system is helpful. Though some items are powered by 110 VAC they may be controlled by 12 volt switches. Knowing your coach is key to preventing a shocking experience. Come see or team or certified and experienced technicians when concerns arise.
Apalachee RV Center, Inc.
1364 Duncan Lane
Auburn, Georgia. 30011
Office 770-868-0999 Fax 770-868-0440
Supporting info sites, Voltex.com/RVbatteries, Rv Service Reviews, Workhorse RV Chassis, Spartan RV Chassis, Aqua Hot RV Heating, RV Resources, Go RVing, ASE Blue Seal, Onan RV Generator,
Volts (push)
Also known as the power, the force, or the pressure most RV's have 110 Volt A/C (alternating current) as their source.
Amperage (flow)
Like water thtough a hose amps is the flow of or current through a circuit. Increased amperaged is the most likely cause of blown breakers
Know Watt's Watt So You Don't Get Your Amps In Trouble
Ohms (resistance)
Also known as the load this is the working end of the circuit, (the toaster or air conditioner) High resistance can also come from poor connections.
Take a minute and see how many amps you could be using in your RV’s 30 or 50 AMP electrical systems. It is surprising how fast the AMPs add up which causes your breaker, or the park’s breaker to “trip”. Knowing the AMPs of all your electrical appliances in your RV can help you manage electrical usage and prevent the inconvenience of saying “My electricity went out!” Here is a list of typical electrical appliances and the average AMPs required to operate them:
- Air Conditioner (15,000 BTU)
- Converter (nothing is use)
- Electric Water Heater (6 gal)
Don't wait for the next storm to bring you that surge which is so damaging. Call us now and schedule a protection appointment to evaluate your electrical system and offer solutions to protect your RV.
Most electrical products show how many watts or amps it takes to operate them. If it shows you in watts, you can determine the amount of amps if you divide by 120 volts. To get the watts, multiply amps by 120 volts. This information is especially noteworthy when choosing invertors and generators. Those components are longer lived when they are used at 80% of their capacity rather than at full rated load.
Atlanta's Premier FULL SERVICE RV Facility